Posts tagged #wordvomit (RSS)
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- Good morning
- Initial thoughts on The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- On surrendering and the fallacy of control
- Judging is a trap
- Emojis are cool
- RE: Write like you talk
- On waking up to write every morning
- On the making of tools
- Just because it’s all in your head doesn’t mean it’s not real
- On the origins of fear and art as the antidote
- Rambling about inspiration and dreams
- On following many blogs
- Discoverability and Visibility in the small web
- On ASCII games
- On the woes of holiday small talk
- Talent feeds on persistence
- Technology should enhance humans, not replace them
- Who am I writing for
- Nature of a short story
- Reviving lost connections
- Crocheting Adventures
- It's hard to enjoy things when you compare yourself with others
- Finding your voice and setting goals
- Looking forward to Advent of Code 2023
- Good things come when one stops trying
- Shame in Writing
- Checking out Niel Gaiman's writing course
- Morning pages
- Hello nice to meet you, what do you do for a living
- The flower doesn’t go from bud to blossom in one spritely burst
- On the need to feel productive