Good things come when one stops trying
I've been thinking that one of the nice things about writing with a schedule is that it doesn't really matter if you feel you have anything to write about or not.
At night I often think about sitting down to write something but feel like I don't have anything that's worth putting down so I just don't write.
But in the few days that I've been doing doing morning pages I've noticed that good things will come out no matter what. It's like my subconscious is subverting myself β playing hide and seek: I think the well is dry but when I turn around and stop worrying it comes up with all sorts of interesting things, real things.
Not everything is good though, there still a lot of superfluous fluff. I feel part of the process is to peel out the cruft that is what you're forcing yourself to do, so that the actual good stuff can come out. This reminds me of a quote I like very much (from Ray Bradbury I think)
It doesn't matter how much you want to nor how hard you try, you can't force a flower to bloom. You will only kill it in the process.
Same with creating, you can't force yourself. Instead trust in the process and good things will come when you stop trying.
~ Take care π±